Chemical vs Physical Exfoliation: The Differences & What to Choose?

There are two main ways available you can choose from theme to exfoliate your skin: 

  1. The Physical Exfoliation.
  2. The Chemical Exfoliation.
And when it comes to knowing the appropriate exfoliation type for your skin needs, you must wonder and ask yourself some helpful guide questions like:

  • What're the differences between chemical and physical exfoliation?
  • Is physical or chemical exfoliation better?
  • Can I use them both, especially, can I use them both at the same time?
  • Should I use a physical or chemical exfoliator?
  • When should I use physical exfoliation, and when should I use chemical exfoliation?
In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of exfoliation. And we will answer the questions above. So you can choose the better exfoliation method for your needs, but it will be good to know first what exfoliation is? And why should we exfoliate?

What Is Exfoliation, And Why Should People Exfoliate?

Exfoliation is the act of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the body. Dead skin cells build up over time and clog pores, causing acne, blackheads, and other blemishes. Exfoliating helps remove these dead skin cells and opens up your pores.

There are several reasons why you should exfoliate regularly:

  • First, it helps remove dry skin and reduce irritation. 
  • Second, it helps improve the appearance of your skin. 
  • Third, it makes your skin softer and smoother.
It also helps eliminate blackheads and whiteheads and prevents acne breakouts. In addition, it improves blood flow and reduces inflammation.

What Is the Difference Between Physical and Chemical Exfoliation?

The difference between physical and chemical exfoliation is that physical exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin with a scrub, loofah, or another type of physical exfoliation tool

While chemical exfoliation works with a chemical agent that breaks down the skin's outermost layer, this process helps remove the top layer of skin or the epidermis. Chemicals used in chemical exfoliation can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

The chemical exfoliation can be used daily or weekly, depending on your skin type and tolerability.

Here’s a breakdown of the difference between the two so you can decide which is the appropriate way to exfoliate your skin.

  1. Physical exfoliation: uses a physical agent or physical exfoliation tools, like a scrub, to remove dead skin cells. This type of exfoliation can be harsh on your skin, so it’s important to exfoliate your skin gently.
  2. Chemical exfoliation: uses an ingredient, like an acid, to dissolve the bonds between dead skin cells. This exfoliation type is gentler on your skin and can be more effective in some cases.
Here are some important points to consider when choosing between physical and chemical exfoliation:

  • Your goals: If you’re looking to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, chemical exfoliation may be a better option.
  • The type of skin you have: If you have sensitive skin, you may want to avoid physical exfoliation as it can irritate the skin. Chemical exfoliation may be a better option for you.
  • The type of product you are using: If you are using a physical exfoliant, make sure it is gentle and not too harsh. If you are using a chemical exfoliant, make sure it is appropriate for your skin type.
  • The amount of time you have: Physical exfoliation can take longer than chemical exfoliation. 
  • Your desired results: If you are looking for deep exfoliation, you may want to try a physical exfoliant. If you are looking for a more gentle exfoliation, you may want to try a chemical exfoliant.

What Are The Physical and Chemical Exfoliators?

The Chemical Exfoliators: 

Chemical exfoliator, Paula's Choice, Paula's Choice exfoliator
The Best Chemical exfoliator, Paula's Choice: Amazon.

Chemical exfoliators are topical skincare products that help to shed dead skin cells from the skin. They usually contain active ingredients like glycolic acid or lactic acid, which work to break down the bonds that hold dead skin cells together.

Chemical exfoliators are particularly well-suited for people with either sensitive or small-pores skin. But they really can be used by everybody.

Tip: When you want to buy a chemical exfoliator, always follow the directions on the product label, and start with a lower concentration if you have sensitive skin.

The Physical Exfoliators:

Physical exfoliators work by mechanically removing that same hanger-on dead cells that should have fallen off.

If you want to use a physical exfoliator, you will find many types available on the market, from simple washcloths to more sophisticated electronic devices. The best tool for you depends on your skin type and needs.

Physical exfoliator, Pumice Stone, Exfoliating Rock for Feet,
Pumice Stone - Exfoliating Rock for Feet, Source: Amazon

If you have sensitive skin, opt for a physical exfoliator with softer bristles or a washcloth. And people with tougher skin can handle harsher exfoliation, but be sure to avoid any tools with sharp edges.

physical exfoliator
Exfoliating Silicone Body Exfoliator, Source: Amazon

How To Use Physical Exfoliators:

The usage of physical exfoliators is simple and very easy.
Just wet your skin and the exfoliator tool, then gently massage it over your skin in a circular motion. Focus on areas that are particularly dry or rough. Rinse your skin thoroughly afterward.

physical exfoliator, best physical exfoliator tool, Soft Silicone Exfoliating Pads
The Super Soft Silicone Exfoliating Pads, source: Amazon

physical exfoliator, best physical exfoliator tool, Soft Silicone Exfoliating Pads
The Super Soft Silicone Exfoliating Pads, source: Amazon

What Are The Risks & Side Effects of Physical & Chemical Exfoliation?

The risks and side effects of physical and chemical exfoliation are: that they can both cause skin irritation, redness, and inflammation. 

Physical exfoliation can also cause microtears in the skin, which can lead to infection, While chemical exfoliation can cause burns, scarring, and changes in skin color.

You can alternate back and forth between physical and chemical exfoliation. But nobody should use both ways at the same time unless someone wants to get irritated skin.

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